
Your Kingdom Come...Your Will Be Done
Matthew 6:10

Transform. Saturate. Mobilize. Multiply.

We are preparing the way of the Lord so He can bring transforming revival in the places where we live, work, play, and learn.


Transform our city: Raise the level of prayer across the Baltimore region.


Saturate our city with consistent unified prayer in iconic places of decision.


Mobilize to answer Jesus' call to be “Salt & Light” – to bloom wherever we’re planted and bless.


Multiply the impact of prayer by tens of thousands of people across the Baltimore Region praying together.

Join a prayer cirlce
Our Mission

Presence Based Prayer

Presence Based Prayer is first acknowledging and honoring the presence of the Lord and then listening to His voice to guide and direct our prayers.

We seek to raise the level of prayer across the Baltimore region by connecting people in prayer circles, emanating out of various spheres of influence, to engage in presence-based prayer for specific areas of passion, interest, and concern.

Guiding other by practicing sensitivity and submission to the presence and direction of Jesus; Moment-by-moment, abiding in the strength, peace, wisdom, life, and love of His person; Surrendering all discernment, conversations, attitudes, plans, actions, reputation and authority to His authority and purpose.

Rich History with Spiritual Roots

Baltimore has a deep, rich spiritual history that we can impact. In the past two decades, many in the body of Christ have come together, praying that the Lord’s will be done in our region as it is in heaven. As a practical application, prayer circles have formed around the various spheres and areas of cultural influence in our city for three things: 

(1) Seeking God's heart, mind, and His word for our lives.
(2) Aligning with the Kingdom of God.
(3) God would supernaturally transform our region, resulting in positive societal change.

What would happen if there were dozens of prayer circles around our region?

Prayer in
7 Spheres

History of Spheres of Influence

Decades ago, a number of highly respected international Christian leaders gathered, and through prayer, identified seven spheres of influence that exist in every society from the most primitive stone-age tribes to the most sophisticated megacities. These include areas of Family, Faith, Government, Education, Business, Media/Entertainment and The Arts.

The seven spheres are to every society, what the basic biological systems are to the human body – an intrinsic part of God’s design which give life when they are functioning in a healthy manner. Since God is the designer of these spheres and other areas of cultural influence, it would be good for us to dedicate effort to pray for and better understand His purposes for each of them.

History of Baltimore Business Leaders Prayer Circle

The first scripture came from Paul’s letters to the Ephesians that talks about spiritual warfare when it states: “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

The second scripture came from the Gospel of Matthew when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, before he was betrayed and ultimately beaten and crucified. Jesus’ closest followers were with him in the garden, and when Jesus stepped away to pray, they fell asleep. When Jesus found them sleeping, he said, “So could you not keep watch for one hour? …Watch and pray…”
(Matthew 26:40-41)

January 2021

A dozen business leaders in Baltimore were challenged by two scriptures from God’s word that ultimately led them to establish a Baltimore Business Leaders Prayer Circle. 

Each leader was heavily involved in multiple organizations doing great good in our city, but none were involved in a group to regularly pray together to address and fight the spiritual battle going on in our city. 

March, 2021

Those twelve business leaders established a prayer circle to meet monthly for one hour via Zoom (because of the COVID pandemic) focused on scripture about prayer, and to pray for business in the city of Baltimore, and each of the other spheres and areas of influence. 

March of 2022

That prayer circle grew to eighteen highly regarded Baltimore business leaders who gathered monthly by Zoom with a quarterly in person gathering, for an hour of fellowship and prayer, for the various spheres and areas of cultural influence in our city. 

May 4th, 2023

The Baltimore Business Leaders Prayer Circle held a Prayer Breakfast at The Center Club in downtown Baltimore, with more than 200 people in attendance. After that breakfast, eight new prayer circles were established in the areas of business, faith and family, education, and healthcare. And the Baltimore Business Leaders Prayer Circle grew to twenty-four participants and continued to meet monthly. 

May 2nd, 2024

The Baltimore Business Leaders Prayer Circle held another Prayer Breakfast again at The Center Club, with nearly 300 in attendance after which the existing prayer circles added new members while new prayer circles were established in areas of the arts, healthcare, government, business, and construction. Today we are open to adding new participants to a number of our existing prayer circles and starting new prayer circles, as well.